CARE Center Livingston Texas

CARE Center Livingston Texas
Wings of a butterfly

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Caverns of Sonora

Looking for a place about 50% of the way to Livingston I found "Caverns of Sonora " ..  Thought I would be able to handle a long day on day one then take it easy the rest of the way. Texas is not always an easy place to plane your road trip, seems like all the good stops are way to early or way to late. This one was just a bit longer the I like, ( 442 miles today ) but it leaves less the 300 for the next two days and only 75 on the last day of the trip.

Arrived at the Caverns to late to take the tour today so will do it first thing in the morning, with crossing a time zone it added an extra hour to my trip. Once I made it to my site I think it was worth it..  Very nice stopover point off I-10 in Central Texas. I highly recommend it if you need a place to stay while passing through, not a lot of good places to stay and this is a quiet option. Peacocks and deer roam the campsites.  My phone and internet worked, no television or dump station.

never seen twin butterflies.. before

Must be mates.

First wild flowers I have seen this year

Shade....  needed it 87 degrees.. OUCH  last week I was in 45 degrees

Almost have trees

Plan on doing the 8am cavern tour tomorrow, so will add to the blog then and let you all know how it went. If half as good as the write ups have been it should be a good one.

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