CARE Center Livingston Texas

CARE Center Livingston Texas
Wings of a butterfly

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Back in Deming

Drove from Wilcox Az to Deming NM today. Stopped several times to walk the dog and just look around. One place I found cool was Exit 42 on I-10 in NM, it has a place to get tourist to stop and buy things. Best part of it was I know a place I can stop and boon dock it needed in that part of the country. The parking lot is large and mostly dirt so nobody will say anything. The other part I found interesting was the selling of Route 66 items, it is not anywhere close to the 66.. But it did have a cool Buick parked in fount. LOL...

Now back at the HiLow Ranch rv Park. When I left a little over a week ago temperature was below 30, today it is 102 outside. ( in the sun ) .. Going to stay for three nights so I can talk to some of the folks and try to socialize ( not my strongest point ) . Going to the 4pm Happy hour to see what is what.

Happy Hour was interesting, mostly it was about upcoming events and things to do starting next week. Thing is I will be leaving before any of it starts. I do hope to attend one event Monday at 10am a group is going to something called "the Boothill Movie Set" I will tag along and see what happens, it is a way to mix in and get to know some people.

Went and played cards for just over an hour, would have gone on longer but folks wanted to see the moon come up. It is as close to the earth as it gets.

So that is about it for today..

1 comment:

Julia said...

That sound like Hi-LO they usually have something going on every week. If your a card player you'll make friends there for sure....