CARE Center Livingston Texas

CARE Center Livingston Texas
Wings of a butterfly

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Idaho Visit

Currently in Idaho ( Iona Idaho ) visit with friends for a spell. Using the time to cleanup, reorganize, and repair the RV. Today was a shopping days for supplies and food, then came back and cleaned out some items, and found other places to store items I do not often use. Think I will be doing some more purging of items in the future.

Having some high wind gust today and on one such gust a tree came down across the street. Made a nice loud crack, city was out in no time to clean it up...

Do doing something really exciting.....Laundry...

July,1 2011

  Today was spent running around for the first part of the day, went food shopping, lunch at the Firehouse Grill, and paid for a gazebo 10X10 ft to use when base camping for more then three nights. Also received my new solar kit to use when base camping.  Will take photos when I set it all up.

This evening we had a BBQ of chicken, corn, and salad ... Have a new dressing that I like and can eat..

Kay taken a picture of me taken a picture of me, or something like that.


Spencer the supervisor 

Jerry our cook of the night..

July,2 2011

   Late start to go to Teton National Park, this time I was a passenger in the back seat of a car. We left the house at 4pm drove to the park, took some photos, stopped for a late dinner on the way home and back at the house at 11pm. Most of the scenes could not be photoed due to the lighting. Sun washed them out, or it was just to hazy looking. Did get one or two okay shots. 

Water fall and flooded river.

Kay doing her posing 

All of the lake photos are of Jenny lake.

Stage ride in middle of town. Notice how happy the driver and horses are.. 

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