CARE Center Livingston Texas

CARE Center Livingston Texas
Wings of a butterfly

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Kentucky visit

Been back in old KY for just over two weeks and have falling into a rut of sorts. I get up early and take Spencer for a 3 mile walk around the park using the bike/hiking trail. Then it is time for breakfast and relaxing with a book or maybe even taking a nap. As soon as I sit down I have a new friend sitting in my lap, funny thing is Spencer does not seem to care.

Have already taken my drug test for working at come the 2ed of Oct... In a strange way I am looking forward to working for a few months. Not sure if I will like it or not but it will give me a small buffer to make up for the losses I had over the summer due to cost of maintenance on the RV.

Not much else to report at this time, I am just hanging out doing very little.

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