Busy day again today.... Ran into town to pick up my new WiFi unit, and had a nice surprise.. Because my old contract ran out I was up for an upgrade if I renewed for two more years, so instead of paying $227.00 for the new unit I payed $53.75... Wait here is the good part, with the rebate that comes with the unit I get $50.00 back so only paying $3.75 for the unit, and my monthly bill drops by $10.00, and I pay a heck of a lot less for any time I go over... So I will save money in the long run by doing this... Not bad...
After taking care of my internet problem I checked out a couple of markets that sounded Mexican.. Poo.... no such luck...
Now back at camp rocking to the wind... WInds in New Mexico are back same as last year... Crazy..
Congrats on the new wifi deal nice when things workout in your favor :)
anonymous was me Kay
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