CARE Center Livingston Texas

CARE Center Livingston Texas
Wings of a butterfly

Saturday, February 18, 2012

New day in New Mexico

Sitting in Martha's Place having breakfast and using the internet, it is way to cold to sit outside the library were I have been going for internet connection. Never even left the rig yesterday because it was raining all day with very cold wind. Do not think it made it over 45 F yesterday Brrrrrrrrrrr.....  Today is clear and sunny but still way to cold for me, hoping it warms up this afternoon.

Not much to talk about today, have already walked all around the park and most of the town of Columbus. This is an okay place to spend time, but would have been better to be here first half of March. March is when most of the activities take place reenacting the raid that took place in March of 1916.

Now need to find some cheap online books to kill time when it is too cold to go out... Then if it warms up enough will open up the rig and clean it out...  Soooo much excitement....  Guess I should enjoy it now because from April to the end of the year I will be working....

You all have a great day now!!!!

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