CARE Center Livingston Texas

CARE Center Livingston Texas
Wings of a butterfly

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Birthday at Sea

Today I turned 57, but it was like any other day at work. Still had to do 12 hours of work, still could not go out after work to have a drink or share a meal with friends. I have come to believe that the most difficult part of this job is not the work, Sweat, or even the bs rules we have to go by. I think it is not being able to walk away from it when you have had a bad day. How do you leave you work at work when you never leave it.. I sleep about 20 feet from were I work, so never far away.

No time off to go visit friends, no time for games, ... So the sun has set on my 57th year on the planet..

1 comment:

Julia said...

Wishing you a happy birthday this year and a better one next year :)