Today we checked out of the hotel, hope to be ready to sleep at the house tonight. First we are off to find hammocks, told of a place on 73 and 58 calle. Found the place with very little difficulties, but it was closed ( today is Sunday ) so drove around looking for breakfast. Pulled over someplace around 54 and 75 I think... Maybe.... Walked around in a market place that was busy!!!!!!! First thing we came across was some home made enchilada, just had to get a few.. Then were told of a place we could find breakfast ( eggs ) and off we go again... On the way to breakfast we run into a man telling about a place to get hammocks, so we de-tore again and take a look..
Not the greatest I have seen but price was okay... Purchased one each, ( I believe we will find better later and replace this. ) Then off to find hardware for so we can hang them or we will not be able to sleep in them... NOW we can go eat breakfast, found a place on the roof of the market place that served scrambled eggs Mexacana..... Excellent.. best breakfast since hitting Merida..
Good food to be found on the roof...
So now we thought we would try to find the Plaza Las Americana ... DId good.. found it with little problems.. Went in and found the TelMax store and purchased two phones, one each.... Still have to go back tomorrow to the Center and finish having them activated. Doing good so far and it is not even noon.... Break time for coffee, and to discuss what else we need to get today... We are both tied ( not sleeping well ) so do not want to push to much... Decided to find two prong plugs that will allow us to use our electronic hardware from home, and some more hangers... DONE... easy....
Okay it is noon and time to go home maybe take a nap before doing anything else... Ahhhh..... what is with this city!!!!! Ever time we try to go a certain direction the roads change, or get shut down , or just stop when the map shows it goes through... Not going into detail but it took 1.5 hours to get home and should not have taken more then 25-30 min tops.... Lost track how many times we had to go the wrong way because of one way streets... THIS is driving me nuts!!!!!!!! I do not mind the way business is done, the way people drive, or anything else.... But I hate being lost.... and that is what it feels like to me when the map shows an open road that dead ends..... If I give up on living down here that will be my main #1 without question reason way....
Made it back to the house only photos today taken at breakfast, only progress on the house was the hammocks so ends the datno.. No internet today either, so have to wait to post this when I can.. For now it is just a word Doc....
Monday, Dec 7th 2009..... Today we went back to activate the TelMex phones... Done with little problems, Except for finding our way to the plaza from the house. Streets are driving me mad, mad I tell you. Does not help that I have not been able to sleep for more then 2 to 3 hours at a time for over a week.
After phones were activated we spent several hours walking around looking for other things needed.. Found very little... Back to the house, found way back with only one U-Turn to get on right road ( not allowed to turn left were needed ) .... Still sitting on camp chairs, no Tables,, ....
Just to top off the day, we have no real food in the house, and I do not feel good.maybe coming down with something.
Kay went out with the owner getting gas tanks, for hot water heater and stove, got back sometime around 1800. Guess the things are hooked up, to be honest at this point to quote a line from a movie “ I don’t give a dame “. We still do not have a stove so it really does not matter..
Tomorrow we sit around the house waiting for the internet to get hooked up.
Tuesday Dec 8th, looks like this post will have multiple days. Another night of messed up sleep.. Tried to sleep in the hammock again, adjusted it several times in hope of finding a comfortable position, no luck.. Laid a blanket on the floor and slept on the floor for several hours. Up at 02:00, back hurts having problems moving, has since loosened up, but do not feel safe laying back down. Need to find a real bed, that is first on my list when the internet is up and running..
Wait for internet service to be installed, we took turns walking around the block checking things out. Nothing today, but did find places to buy things.
Next excitement came when the gas man showed up. Had to trade in the new gas tanks we got yesterday for full tanks, that are old. We now have gas for water heater that is old, and our stove that we do not yet have..
Hoping this is the gas man sent by our landlord...
Notice the old tank is going in and the new one just purchased last night is being taken out...
So it was out with the new and in with the old. Back to waiting...
Took another walk at 1100 found a few small markets in the area, when I cam back the cable men followed shortly after. Just over an hour later we had television, internet and a phone line working...
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